Phone: 49 (0) 152-23176097
Fax .: 49 (0) 8271-428645

"Together toward Success"

We take great care in our responsibilty for sustainable development and the success of our engineering office. Our values and adherence to the   principles of conduct highlighted  below guide us in our daily actions and ensure confidence in what we do for our customers and for society.

1. General principles of conduct

Our culture of conversation is characterized by tolerance, fairness and trust. The focus is on the dignity and uniqueness of each individual.

Compliance with the regulations of the countries where ibmw is active forms the basis for our work. Every employee is required to observe and adhere to the laws and regulations relevant to their work. These are referenced in the current procedure and process instructions and in our Vistra database.

Associates in senior postions assume responsibility by supporting the implementation of our company's principles. They take measures to avoid conflicts and promote acceptable behavior.

We recognize and respect international human rights. We reject any form of forced or child labor.

Any form of discrimination on the basis of race, ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual identity, nationality or other legally protected characteristics is unacceptable and prohibited.

2. Business Conduct

Ibmw is committed to fair partnerships with business associates and complies with applicable antitrust, competition, economic and trade laws. When questions arise regarding the applicability of standards and / or regulations relevant to a given field of activity , the owner of ibmw must be informed. These also include  customs, import and export control laws for international transactions.

Assignments are not won through unfair practices. The exchange, coordination or agreement with competitors regarding prices, discounts, price changes, sales conditions, terms and price differences are prohibited. The attempt to unfairly disadvantage competitors or to illegally obtain confidential or proprietary information is prohibited.

Gifts or gratuities that are of personal benefit may only be accepted by employees when in accordance with normal business practice. Any granting of gifts or favors that could influence the decision-making process is not permitted. The acceptance of financial services or other monetary benefits for personal gain is prohibited. Participation in business lunches or events is permitted within the framework of normal cooperation and if voluntary. Personal relations between employees and business partners of ibmw, which could influence the decision-making and the activities of the employees, are prohibited.

3. Corruption

Influencing or distorting competition through bribery or criminal behavior is prohibited. Employees are not permitted to use business connections to the detriment of ibmw.

Donations of any kind to employees of business partners with the aim of obtaining contracts or improper advantages for ibmw or third parties are not permitted. In particular, the direct offering, awarding, demanding or acceptance of bribe, illegal and / or commission payments, as well as the indirect granting of benefits (e.g. donations, sponsoring), are prohibited.

4. Occupational safety

Ibmw attaches particular importance to the safety and health of its employees. Ibmw promotes the health and safety of its employees through ongoing evaluation and improvement of working conditions and prevention of accidents

Statutory provisions on occupational health and safety apply in full.

5. Environmental protection

We take responsibility for the environment and nature and promote the awareness of our employees and partners in the areas of management of natural resources, waste prevention, emissions, energy efficiency and renewable energies.

Climate neutrality by the end of 2021 is a key goal of our management efforts.

6. Company property

We protect our data and the trade secrets of our interested parties. The collection of personal data is based on the General Data Protection Regulation. Confidential data and / or information will only be used to perform the tasks assigned to us. Every employee commits to maintaining confidentiality and to protecting the data in accordance with internal office guidelines.

Company property is treated with care and protected from loss or damage. Ibmw's intellectual property must be protected to the best of its knowledge and belief.

7. Responsibilities

Ibmw's owner is responsible for updating and monitoring the rules of conduct and can be contacted for all questions, violations or ambiguities.

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